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How to install

This instruction works for a 50s, Modern, Or Volume Bleed kit as well as classic or CTS push pulls


Solder Your Bridge Pickup's "Hot" also known as "+" on the diagram to the white cloth wire on the Bridge tone's push pull potentiemeter


Next, Solder the Bridge Pickup's "coil finish" also known as "-" on the diagram to the colored cloth wire on the Bridge tone's push pull potentiemeter

Finishing the Bridge pickup Installation

Solder Your Bridge Pickup's "Bare Chassis ground wire" also known as "G" on the diagram to the Metal casing on the Bridge Volume's potentiemeter


Double check that the Bridge pickup's Series link is soldered together and taped it off

Neck Pickup installation

Next, Solder the Neck Pickup's "hot" also known as "+" on the diagram to the far left lug on the Neck Volume pot

Solder the "Coil finsih ground" and "bare chassis ground wire" to the casing of the Neck volume pot.

Double check that the Neck pickup's Series link is soldered together and taped it off

Finishing the Installation

Solder the Tailpeice ground wire to the casing on any pot. In this example it was the Neck tone as it was the closest to the wire.

And thats it!

Test the controls before restringing the guitar by lightly taping the pickups with a Metal object.