Thank you for choosing Gunstreet. below is the instructions for a 50s Wiring to be installed in your explorer.
Most Common Pickup Wires
Stage One
Neck Volume Install
Solder the Hot Pickup wire to the First Lug on the potentiometer. See diagram on the left. If not sure which wire is hot please refer to your pickups manufacturers instructions
Next, Solder the pickups Ground to the casing of the Volume Pot.
Repeat these steps for the Bridge Volume
Grounding the Harness
Solder the Ground Wire coming from your guitar bridge to the Casing of the Tone Pot
Stage Two: Switch Assembly
Solder the Wire Labeled "N" to the left switch lug.
Solder the Black Cloth Wire to the Lug named "G"on the switch.
Solder the Wire Labeled "O" to the Two top center switch lugs.
Solder the Wire Labeled "B" to the right switch lug.